Get Insights Into The Beekeeping Journey of 

The lessons. The losses.
The Buzz. Your benefit!

What's in it for you

  • Benefit: Two decades of beekeeping experience shared with you for free
  • Feature: Ten action-packed emails highlighting a roller coaster of lessons
  • Your Action: Change your path and bee your best with our tips!
The best investment you can ever make is in your own education and skills! 

O-Bee-Wan shares highlights of your upcoming bee story series with you... 

My visit to ukraine in 2013 for beekeeping
The Blueberry Project, EC Province
Getting bees, saving the planet and sponsoring a hive...
How Costly Are Beginner NewBee Padiwan Mistakes? How You can avoid them... 

Get Insights Into The Beekeeping Journey of 

The lessons. The losses.
The Buzz. Your benefit!

"I WISH I had Online African Beginner Beekeeping Bee Courses!"
Start Beekeeping Course for Southern Africa Bee Farming
Discover How To Confidently
Dominate Beekeeping Like a Pro And
 Fast-Track Your Beekeeping Success By Learning Beekeeping from Bee Ware's Founder in South Africa
Discover How To Confidently
Dominate Beekeeping Like a Pro
And Truly
Fast-Track Your Beekeeping
Success By Mastering Your Skills!
Learn Beekeeping by watching videos, listening to audio & reading bee books on How to Catch Bees, And Keep Bees Starting Today  
Even If You Have Zero Beekeeping Experience up to your first 12-months!
Discover How To Confidently
Dominate Beekeeping Like a Pro And
Truly Fast-Track Your Beekeeping Success By Mastering Your Skills!
Discover How To Confidently
Start Beekeeping Like a Pro
Fast-Track Your Beekeeping
Success By Mastering Your Skills With Bee Ware!
Learn Fool-Proof Ways To Get Bees, Catch Bees, And Keep Bees Starting Today – Even If You Have Zero Beekeeping Experience
Have you been thinking about becoming a bee Farmer in Southern Africa
But don’t know where to start?
If yes...
Then you've probably done some research and observed that beekeeping knowledge about South African bees is almost non-existent on online resources out there...

You see, most of the content you'll find online is about US and EU bees. Applying such lessons to South African bees is the first step to failure as a new beekeeper. You could end up harming yourself or your bees in the process - which is the direct opposite of what beekeeping stands for.

Thankfully, there's a solution that would not only help you get started with detailed and specific knowledge of South African bees but will also fast-track your progress and help you become a pro beekeeper quickly.
A Comprehensive Online Bee Farming Course 
That Teaches You Everything You Need To Know To
Become a Successful Southern African Beekeeper
This is the Number One Beginner Beekeeping Course for all Southern Africans who want to learn beekeeping for any of the following reasons:
  • As a hobby to experience your passion
  • ​To help save the bees by giving them a home
  • ​To start a successful business as a bee entrepreneur and earn extra income
If you fall into any of the above categories, you're guaranteed to achieve your goals and more by following our lessons in the Beginner Beekeeping Course.

This course was created by Warrick, a beekeeping expert with 17 years of experience in the field. Warrick is the founder of Bee Ware Training & Honey Equipment, the largest beekeeping equipment retailer in South Africa.

The Bee Ware organization has trained over 1500 people in beekeeping, and the Beginner Beekeeping Course is our latest effort to ensure the success of South Africans who want to start beekeeping.
Benefits Of Taking The
Beginner Beekeeping Course
Benefits Of Taking The
Bee Ware Beginner Beekeeping Course
In-Depth Knowledge of South African Bees
The bees in SA are a lot different from those in the US or UK. There's also a significant disparity in climate and terrain. Hence, trying to breed or maintain bees using methods that work in foreign lands could be your biggest beekeeping mistake.

With our online bee course, you get to learn beekeeping in South Africa. Find out how to catch bees and manage bees in your apiary without making costly errors that can lead to you losing your bees!
Avoid Rookie Mistakes
Even with all of the facts at your disposal, mistakes are common among every newbie beekeeper. We're used to seeing these mistakes among students. Some could be as mild as overpaying for equipment and others as devastating as losing the entire hive or getting seriously stung.

Hence, we've taken note of the most common mistakes made by new beekeepers. Our course allows you to navigate each stage with adequate foresight and avoid facing the same problems as other newbies.
Avoid Rookie Mistakes
Even with all of the facts at your disposal, mistakes are common among every newbie beekeeper. We're used to seeing these mistakes among students. Some could be as mild as overpaying for equipment and others as devastating as losing the entire hive or getting seriously stung.

Hence, we've taken note of the most common mistakes made by new beekeepers. Our bee farming course allows you to navigate each stage with adequate foresight and avoid facing the same problems as other newbies.
Saves You Months of Learning Time
We've greatly streamlined the learning process by arranging each stage in chronological order, providing both theory and practical lessons, and offering real-life case studies. Without these measures, it could take you months or years to master certain beekeeping aspects rather than a few weeks. By taking this course, you get masterclasses that cover most topics you would ever need in your first 18 months of bee farming! 

Beginner Beekeeping Course ensures you get to learn, understand, and assimilate beekeeping knowledge in the shortest time possible. You'll get to master both the practical and theoretical aspects of beekeeping in a matter of weeks.
Saves You Months of Learning Time
We've greatly streamlined the learning process by arranging each stage in chronological order, providing both theory and practical lessons, and offering real-life case studies. Without these measures, it could take you months to master certain beekeeping aspects rather than a few weeks.

Beginner Beekeeping Course ensures you get to learn, understand, and assimilate beekeeping knowledge in the shortest time possible. You'll get to master both the practical and theoretical aspects of beekeeping in a matter of weeks.
17 Years of Knowledge Included
Unlike 90% of the beekeeping courses out there, we won't simply give you the basics and leave you hanging. The course provides insights such as:
  • Types of honeycomb cells
  • ​​How to make money with bees
  • ​How to tell when honey is ready for harvesting
  • ​Identifying pests
  • 6 Beekeeping Check Lists
  • ​Secret Bee Business Niche Opportunities
  • ​Ways to maximise your honey sales 
  • ​How to catch bees 
  • ​Details of the queen bee cell
You get all you need to start beekeeping as a beginner to becoming an intermediate beekeeper in Africa. We cover what you need to know for up to your first 18 months of keeping bees! 
What's Included In Your
Master Beekeeping Course?
1. Bee Video Resources - $97 value
Here's what you get from the bee videos:
  • Setting up your apiary
  • ​Types of Bees found in the hive
  • ​Types of Pests and diseases
  • How to catch bees, keeping bees and Harvesting honey
  • ​Honeycomb Cell Types
  • ​Opening the Hive
  • ​Smoking the Bees to Calm Them
  • ​Handling bees, a full hive inspection with Live Demo!
  • ​Searching for the Queen Bee
  • ​Where to place your hives, finding sites and other bonus videos
2. The 7 Secret Bee Industries - $297 value
The 7 Secret Bee Industries contains the following lessons:
  • Secret #6 takes no bees to do! 
  • ​Help Save Bees and Make Money with bees
  • You Think Honey Is The Only Way - Here’s Why Not
  • ​Bee Business Ideas Worth $10,000s and more per annum
  • Ultimate Reveal of 7 Hidden Niches Inside Beekeeping
  • ​By Watching These Videos You Can Start Immediately Even Without Bees!
3. Practical Beekeeping PDF Ebook - $27 value
Here're some of the vital lessons you'll learn from the Ebook:
  • ​Theory of Beekeeping
  • ​Bee Families in South Africa
  • ​Bee Tools
  • ​Maintenance of the Hive
  • How Do You Catch African Bees in the first place?
  • ​Keeping Wax Moth Out of Your Hives
  • ​What Steps You Can Take for Controlling Varroa Mites
  • ​Not Knowing How to Place Your First African Honeybees
  • What Bee Tools You Should Avoid? Which are a Must!
  • How Can You Keep Bees Without Owning Land?
  • ​Avoid these Mistakes New African Beekeepers Make That Could Cost You Bees and Money
4. MP3 Audio of Beekeeping Presentation - $17 value
The audio presentation contains the following lessons and more:
  • Starting Your Bee Hive Apiary
  • ​Launching Your First Bee Project
  • ​Saving the World with Bees
  • Buying and Catching Bees
  • ​Finding Sites For Your Bees
  • ​Bee Enemies
  • Honey production
5. Private Facebook Group - $97 value
The Private Facebook Group contains the following support:
  • ​Follow on bee videos and content shared
  • ​Tips and insights included, plus...
  • ​Ask any questions, post your photos 
  • ​Warrick runs LIVE 60-mins Frequently Asked Questions Directly
Monthly FAQ - 60 minute live sessions
Limited Pricing and Discounts!
For a brief period, we're offering epic discounts to help as many Newbees® in 
South Africa and Africa as possible to start  beekeeping.
Note: Although payments for this course are charged in dollars, the course is strictly about beekeeping for Southern African Bee Farming with African bees
The dollar pricing is only due to the needs of our reliable and secure payment handling platform. ZAR exchange rate is taken at R18.95 at last record.
Pro Bundle Bonuses...

Beekeeping Equipment 101

When you start out getting to know your equipment is key! With this 36-page bonus ebook you will learn about the beginner beekeeping tools and equipment as we guide you through the personal protection and clothing through the to harvesting and bottling for a commercial operation, for when you may like to grow your hobby into a beekeeping business!

Stunning display images of tools, equipment and bee hives with deep explanations of their purpose and categorised for hobby and commercial beekeeping. 
Value: $27 | R397

Swarm Catcher

After many trials and field experiments, I can share my indepth knowledge with this  mini-report on the best tips and practices to get your first bee colony or more without buying it!

This bonus content is worth the price of a colony at least which in South Africa, 
is roughly estimated at R450 or $29, and you can learn to catch as many swarms as your  local area would allow and as far as you are prepared to travel, where necessary.

Follow the Swarm Catcher formula to start beekeeping or to grow it! We show you how!
Value: $29 | R397

Honeybee Colony Creator

If you want to grow your apiary using the bee colonies you have already manage.

This bonus ebook teaches you methods of creating new queen bees you can use to
start new bee colonies!
Even for beginners, we walk you through the methods and steps to
creating colonies using splits.

Avoid mistakes as timing is crucial with this method as you follow the steps. And learn
how you can earn extra income or start beekeeping by making and selling bee colonies to other beekeepers! 
Value: $47 | R695

Beekeeping Check Lists:

  • PPE Kit And Bee Tools
  • ​Harvesting Tools
  • ​Pest Control Checklist
  • ​Safety Check
  • ​Bee Hive Inspection Checklist
  • ​Including our Beekeeping Equipment 101 Guide of 36+ pages.
Value: $47 | R695
Note: Although payments for this course are charged in dollars, the course is strictly about beekeeping for Southern African Bee Farmers
The dollar pricing is only due to the needs of our reliable and secure payment handling platform.
Note: Although payments for this course are charged in dollars, the course is strictly about beekeeping for Southern African Bee Farmers. The dollar pricing is only due to the needs of our reliable and secure payment handling platform.
about Warrick 
In the beginning, I struggled to grow my knowledge and ended up losing a lot of time while studying the Beekeeping in South Africa technical handbook. Old beekeepers tended to be secretive and don’t like sharing much of their trade to a newcomer for fear of competition.

Besides that, there was so much to learn about. And there's a lot that's not available if you don't know what you don't know. Like, who do you speak to? Who can you ask? Where are the key people and knowledge keepers?

But after years of reading, listening, asking questions, going on courses, studying research papers and working with bees hands-on I started grasping the power of bees! I figured there's got to 'bee' a better way! I figured out we have to share our knowledge - as great beekeepers are a scarce resource...and an aging group!

After struggling with getting bees and making sure I could keep them going it was a long learning curve of trial and error for a few years before I found my feet – and my bees started benefiting from it.

I pushed through while working a full-time job and grew my knowledge and experience over weekends and evenings. I’ve since built a thriving beekeeping business of honey production, bee training and beekeeping equipment distribution across SADC region. After training over 1500 new beekeepers face-to-face since 2004, you can share in my specialist experience and bee knowledge. With our entire beekeeping community grows and you are here now as part of that grand vision. Welcome to the hive!
In the beginning, I struggled to grow my knowledge and ended up losing a lot of time while studying the Beekeeping in South Africa technical handbook. Old beekeepers tended to be secretive and don’t like sharing much of their trade to a newcomer for fear of competition.

Besides that, there was so much to learn about. And there's a lot that's not available if you don't know what you don't know. Like, who do you speak to? Who can you ask? Where are the key people and knowledge keepers?

But after years of reading, listening, asking questions, going on courses, studying research papers and working with bees hands-on I started grasping the power of bees! I figured there's got to 'bee' a better way! I figured out we have to share our knowledge - as great beekeepers are a scarce resource...

After struggling with getting bees and making sure I could keep them going it was a long learning curve of trial and error for a few years before I found my feet – and my bees started benefiting from it.

I pushed through while working a full-time job and grew my knowledge and experience over weekends and evenings. I’ve since built a thriving beekeeping business of honey production, bee training and beekeeping equipment distribution across SADC region. After training over 1500 new beekeepers face-to-face since 2004, you can share in my specialist experience and bee knowledge. With our entire beekeeping community grows and you are here now as part of that grand vision. Welcome to the hive!
30 DAYS Money Back Guarantee:
We offer a money back guarantee if you feel the value you gained from completing the course does not meet with the outcome of you having the knowledge to start beekeeping.

What we cannot guarantee is that you will get bees or catch bees immediately. That is outside of our control and scope from an implementation point of view. We feel our content and expertise is translated into the best lessons to be learned for you to start beekeeping and, when implementing our steps, find you are capable of enjoying the passion of sharing the beekeeping experience at whatever level you like to operate at.

There is a 30-day money back guarantee. Be sure to complete the material before requesting a refund to benefit in full from your content.
F . A . Q
Will I have ongoing support after the course?
Yes. Pro Bundle members have access to a private Facebook Support group where I run monthly webinars for questions and answers for the group on Zoom live.
How long does it take to complete the course?
It depends on how much time you put in. All-in-all there is enough material content to take up a long weekend. That’s about 25 hours - if you read fast and binge the video content.
Will I be able to keep bees afterwards?
Yes. You will need to get the recommended bee tools and equipment. Follow your instructions about catching bees and keeping bees. Refer back to the content when you have questions about managing bee hives.
How do I get access to the course material?
It’s all available online via our platform once you create your profile. Download the MP3 audio file. Watch the video content and bonus materials. Read your ebook content online or print it. Review your Check lists. Get on the LIVE FAQ sessions every month with Warrick for 60 -minutes. 
Is this for Southern African bees and beekeeping?
Yes. The focus of your Start Beekeeping Course is bee farming with Apis. Mellifera Scutellata and with reference to Capensis. Both of these are Southern African bee species native to South Africa.
Why charge in US Dollars?
We have to bill your course fee in US dollars as the payment method we use with our platform does not accept ZAR or Rands at present.
 Copyright © 2022 Bee Ware. All rights reserved Worldwide.